what is viral hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of our liver. generally, hepatitis caused by a viral infection but maybe there are some other possible causes of hepatitis. in this disease, our liver will be enlarged, and the liver not able to work normally. in this disease, our liver healthy tissues will be damaged and destroyed. the liver is the most important organ for metabolism to grow our body. some including function are affected in this disease is are following:-- bile production is important for food digestion.
- toxic substance filtration.
- protein synthesis in the liver.
- decomposition of carbohydrates, lipid, fat, proteins, etc.
- glucose storage into our body.
- synthesis of blood clotting factors.
- absorption of vitamins.
- excretion of bilirubin from the body.
types of viral hepatitis
there are hepatitis divided into 5 types (A, B, C, E, D) according to their viruses. for each type of hepatitis, a different virus is responsible. All types of hepatitis are known is in a short form like HAV ( Hepatitis A Virus), HCV ( Hepatitis C Virus), HEV ( Hepatitis E Virus), etc. some hepatitis that is chronic that is developed in a long time period and some are acute that spread very fast. acute hepatitis is very harmful and dangerous for our liver.
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Hepatitis A (HAV)
Hepatitis A is the type of liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). hepatitis is mostly transmitted by consuming contaminated food and water from a HAV positive person or through direct contact with a HAV positive person. almost everyone fully recovers from hepatitis A with lifelong immunity.
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Hepatitis B is also known as Australian antigen (HBsAg) that is spread from body contaminated fluids such as hepatitis B positive (HBV) persons blood sample, semen, and other body fluids. when this type of body fluid enters a non-infect person's body they get an HAV infection. we can prevent the hepatitis B virus by vaccination.
Hepatitis C (HCV)
hepatitis c is a type of liver infection caused by HCV. hepatitis c is transmitted through direct contact of infective body fluids, drug injection, and sexual contacts. hepatitis c virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis disease. hepatitis is one of the biggest causes of liver cancer and cirrhosis.
hepatitis D (HDV)
hepatitis D is also known as hepatitis delta virus (HDV) of hepatitis and a cause of liver inflammation . after this HDV virus infecting the liver can swell and the functioning of the liver can be abnormal. hepatitis D is a rare form of hepatitis because it only occurs in conjunction with HBV.
Hepatitis E
hepatitis E is a type of liver infection caused by HEV (Hepatitis E Virus) that mainly transmitted by fecal-oral transmission route. every year around 20 million HEV infection cases worldwide leading to an approx 3.3 million symptomatic cases of Hepatitis E (HEV).
causes of hepatitis (viral hepatitis)
hepatitis commonly caused by a viral infection (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV), but there are other possible reasons for hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, contaminated drugs, toxins, and consuming alcohol, etc.
viral hepatitis transmitted from a hepatitis positive person to a non-infective person through body fluid, direct contact, sexual contact, hepatitis contaminated food, and water. some common causes of hepatitis infection are that:-
- consuming alcohol and toxic substances.
- direct contact and sexual contact of a hepatitis-positive person.
- direct contact contaminated body fluids.
- sometimes its can be caused by autoimmune disease.
- causes of viral hepatitis are hepatitis viruses (A, B, C, D, and E).
common symptoms of hepatitis
Hepatitis can be divided into two classes according to the symptoms of chronic and acute. In chronic hepatitis, there are no symptoms in the beginning. Chronic hepatitis increases slowly and after a long time, the effect starts, while acute hepatitis is very fast. Spreads and quickly begins to show effect.
Some common symptoms of acute hepatitis are as following signs like- flu.
- pain in the abdominal region.
- Dark urine pass-out.
- pale yellow stool.
- Loss of appetite.
- Quick weight loss.
- fever and weakness.
- Yellowing of the eye membrane and skin, which is a major symptom of jaundice.
- Nails appear yellow and these symptoms are similar to Jaundice.
how to diagnose hepatitis
To test hepatitis, it is necessary to take a history of the patient so that he can be tested based on the type of hepatitis and its initial symptoms. There are several types of tests to detect hepatitis, by which the type and stage of hepatitis can be easily detected.
liver function test
It is a group of blood tests that are mainly used to look at liver functioning. There are many tests under the liver function test such as total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, Gamma GT, HBsAg test, prothrombin time (PT), ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE, TOTAL PROTEINS, SGPT(ALT), etc. Through these tests, it is found that how much damage has been done to the liver and how it is working.
other blood tests for hepatitis
If the liver function test is abnormal then the doctor may suggest some other blood tests by which the hepatitis virus can be detected such as HBsAg Automation, HBV DNA PCR, Hepatitis test by ELISA method. The amount of hepatitis virus can be detected by these blood tests, which helps to know how much quantity of virus has spread in our body.
liver biopsy for hepatitis
Hepatitis can also be detected by liver biopsy, for this, the doctor removes a small sample of tissue from your liver with the help of a needle. Liver biopsy does not require any type of surgery, for this, the doctor helps with sonography. Here the procedure tells how much and what kind of infection your liver has spread.
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