what is metastatic /advanced prostate cancer??
what is advanced prostate cancer
Prostate cancer can spread from the prostate to other parts of the body This is called advanced prostate cancer. If it spreads, it usually spreads to nearby bones like the spine and pelvis and to lymph nodes near the prostate. It can also spread to other parts of the body like the liver and the lungs. You might hear these new areas of cancer called 'secondary tumors', 'metastases' or 'mets'.
how to body affected by prostate cancer??
It's still prostate cancer wherever it is in the body. So, Prostate cancer can spread around the body in three ways: into nearby organs, through the bloodstream, and through the lymphatic system Firstly, they can spread into nearby organs. For example, it might spread out of the prostate and into the bladder. Prostate cancer can also spread through the bloodstream. For example, it could spread through the bloodstream into the pelvis And it can spread through the lymphatic system.
how do affect prostate cancer our body |
The lymphatic system is part of the body's immune system which helps the body fight infection. Prostate cancer can go into the lymph vessels and the lymph nodes which are also known as lymph glands. It might then spread through the lymphatic system to other parts of the body. Advanced prostate cancer cannot be cured and it can cause problems. If prostate cancer spreads your bones it can cause an aching pain called 'bone pain'. If it spreads into areas around the prostate like your bladder or urethra it can cause urinary problems. Advanced prostate cancer can also cause extreme tiredness which is sometimes called 'fatigue'. And it can cause bone thinning, which can weaken the bones. Not all men will get problems that affect them day-to-day. The problems you have will depend on where cancer has spread to and how aggressive it is. To find out more about managing advanced prostate cancer
advanced prostate cancer symptoms
- weight loss
- pain in bones
- abnormal urination
- spine problem
- higher risk of spreading into other organs
- formation of tumors
weight loss
the most common symptom of advanced prostate cancer is that weight loss caused by the way your body uses energy. eating Problems or loss of appetite can lead to weight loss and it can make you feel very tired. that why you can feel very weak in advanced prostate cancer.
pain in bones
when advanced prostate cancer spread into your bones you can feel bone pain because advanced prostate cancer can damage our bone and make it weak. bone pain is a very different feeling in advanced prostate cancer. not all men have bone pain in advanced prostate cancer.
abnormal urination
The most common organ affected by advanced prostate cancer is the urinary bladder. after affecting advanced prostate cancer you can see blood in your urine during micturition and blood in semen after conceive. in advanced prostate cancer, you can't hold your urine and you feel urinating multiple times.
spine problems
bone is one of the most common areas for spreading advanced prostate cancer and if the cancer is spread into your bones, most people face spine problems. in spine problem, you cant normally walk and move because your bone is weak than a normal man's.
higher risk of spreading into other organs
when advanced prostate cancer cells spread into other organs is called "metastasis". Mostly advanced prostate cancer is spread in the urinary bladder, spine and hip bones, pelvic bones, lymph nodes, rectum, liver, lungs, and other body tissue. metastatic prostate cancer is known as advanced prostate cancer. this type of prostate cancer can spread by blood and lymph to other body organs. formation of tumors
metastatic prostate cancer spread by blood and lymph nodes. metastatic prostate cancer when spread by lymph nodes it can form new tumors in our body. this type of tumor can shrink by using radiation and some medicines.
advanced prostate cancer treatment
one of the new treatments for men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer that researchers say is superior to the current standard therapy. "Unequivocal big win." Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Dr. Christopher Sweeney is co-chair of the ENZAMET trial.
This international trial is a collaboration with other investigators led by the ANZUP cancer trials group. specially for patients with localized disease, the choice is surgery or radiation but when it is spread beyond the prostate to other parts of the body, testosterone suppression, sometimes with chemotherapy, is used.
Sweeney says this new research shows that the addition of a drug called enzalutamide, a non-steroidal anti-androgen hormone pill, improves survival when compared to standard care with other similar drugs. Enzalutamide is already a treatment option in castration-resistant prostate cancer but this study tested its use much earlier, as a first-line treatment.
"many times we have one opportunity to get the best drugs into prostate patients and getting them in faster when we're starting the therapies for the first time is clearly showing we are having more patients forgot a much better benefit."
The phase 3 trial looked at more than 1,000 men. All received testosterone suppression about half also received chemotherapy. Dr. Sweeney says based on initial results, enzalutamide is just as effective as adding in chemotherapy and an especially good option for men who can't have chemo or have a lower burden of disease, meaning fewer than four bones metastases seen on scans.
Dr. Sweeney says these study results were reported early because they were so positive and long-term follow-up is ongoing.
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